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Signs That You May Be Pregnant

By: Rachel Newcombe - Updated: 3 Sep 2014 | comments*Discuss
Sign Pregnant Pregnancy Women Test

For some women, the first sign that they could be pregnant comes from a change they experience, rather than from seeing the positive line on a pregnancy test. So what signs could you look out for that could indicate that you may be pregnant?

Breast Tenderness and Tingling

In the same way that you may experience breast tenderness before or during a period, it’s also a common symptom of early pregnancy. Your breasts may feel tender and extra sensitive, you feel a tingling sensation around your nipples and you may also notice that your breasts seem larger and swollen.

Breast tenderness is particularly common in the first trimester of pregnancy. A tingling sensation in your nipples can start as early as a week after conception. This caused by a surge of hormones and an increase of blood supply to your breasts. Both the tingling and breast tenderness should ease off as your body gets used to the hormones and your pregnancy progresses.

Needing to Urinate More Often

If you’re suddenly noticing that you’re needing to urinate more often than usual, then this can be an early sign of pregnancy. It can start from about six weeks and is due to several factors. One of the issues at play is pregnancy hormones, but it’s also caused by having a greater volume of blood in your system and the fact that your kidneys have to work harder than normal during pregnancy.

Spotting or Cramping

It’s not uncommon for women to experience a small amount of light spotting – the appearance of pink or brown stains – and this may be accompanied by some cramping too. Sometimes it can occur at around the time when your period would normally be expected, which can make you think everything is fine and normal, if you don’t yet realise you’re pregnant.

Another cause of spotting is the egg implanting itself in your uterus – known as implantation. This is very early on in pregnancy and it’s often only later that you look back and realise this was actually implantation.


Nausea or morning sickness is one of the more unpleasant signs of pregnancy. It can start as early as four to six weeks of pregnancy and happens at any point during the day, not just in the mornings.

If you’ve noticed that you’ve suddenly started feeling nauseous or have been sick on one or more occasion, then it could be a sign of pregnancy.


If you’re suddenly feeling very tired and exhausted, then this could also be a sign of pregnancy. Of course, feeling tired may be a symptom of lots of other conditions too – or simply a signal that your body needs more sleep – but if there’s a chance you could be pregnant and you’re suddenly experiencing a lot of tiredness, it may be time to do a pregnancy test.

Darker Nipples

In addition to the other breast changes already discussed, another signal of pregnancy is the areolas – the skin around your nipples – getting darker. The small bumps around the skin of your nipples may also become more visible. Both of these changes can start to happen from about eight weeks of pregnancy.

These are just some of the common signs of pregnancy that occur as your body changes and adjusts to the pregnancy hormones. If you suspect you could be pregnant, then take a pregnancy test or see your doctor.

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@Vann. Possibly...or it could be premenstrual symptoms.
BabyAndPregnancy - 4-Sep-14 @ 10:26 AM
I have gotten my period and I been taking pregnancy test and there all negative and early last nightI been getting these cramps and a little bite of lower back ache and I am supposed to get my period on the 9th could this be early sighs of pregnancies ??
Vann - 3-Sep-14 @ 1:03 PM
@Lee. Don't be scared of doing a test...at least you will know one way or the other and then be able to deal with it.
BabyAndPregnancy - 28-Aug-14 @ 2:10 PM
I'm 3weeks pregnant,and my left abdominal is very cramping,I'm afraid that there might be something wrong with my pregnancy and I don't have appetite like with my first-born
darling - 20-Aug-14 @ 10:37 AM
Its been 13days after i had Intercourse,i feel very uncomfortable,have back & addominal pain,my breast also feels kinda tender,my period cicle is not normal.im scared of doing a Pregnancy test
Lee - 14-Aug-14 @ 11:18 AM
I have been off contraceptive patch now for 3 months, after having it for 5 months. My partner and I are trying for a baby.Recently I have been really bloated & very uncomfotable after large meals, more than normal and if I feel run down my ovaries ache a bit like period cramps but different. I am peeing alot more too, I had all this last month too but different & I came on, could it be my mind playing tricks? I am not thinking about possible pregnancy half as much as the 1st & second month of trying, alot more relaxed, but I can't avoid these symptons.I am due on next wednesday, don't want to buy a test yet, I would like to wait until I skip a period.My main concern was aching overies, is this normal in early stages of pregnancy?My jeans I have got in ok for last 3 years are not buttonong up either and lioke to wear dossy clothing more than ever :-)
Lulu - 1-Jun-12 @ 4:29 PM
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